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EHS My Friends

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Changes to Environment

Pictures of Children Children Puzzles Children Stamps Children Figurines Books about friends Multicultural paint, crayons, paper Children Cut Outs Mirror Cell Phones Ruler Friends poster Children puppets Friendship bracelets Silly face cups Feelings poster Water Table: foam handprint cut outs, colored water, silly face cups, people counters, bucket, plastic animals, Legos, etc Sensory Table: colorful sand, children's names laminated, paintbrushes, letters, small people, laminated photos of the children's, cones, shovel, tweezers, etc 

Teaching Concepts for Indoor Experiences

1. My Friends and Me. (refer to Learn Every Day The Program for Infants Vol 1 pg. 254) 2. Play peek-a-boo with friends 3. Talk to friend on the telephone 4. Draw or paint picture of friends 5. Make a book with friends pictures 6. Who is missing? (place pictures of children on table, let child get a good look, then they will cover their eyes while you take one away, let them uncover their eyes and see if they can tell you who is missing)

7. Friendship Tree

8. Am I a good Friend?

9. Friendship Blocks

10. Stamping Friends

Materials: stamps, stamp pads, paper

Encourage the children to make a stamp picture of what they like to do with their friends. Write down their story and display with their pictures.

11. Painting with a Friend

Materials Needed: One large paper on the easel instead of one paper for each child. The two children who come to the easel paint together. When dry, put their names on the painting and hang it on a wall or bulletin board for them to see!

Teaching Concepts for Outdoor Experiences

1. Shadow dance (find your friends shadow and dance with it) 2. Follow the leader 3. Friendship train (have children put hands on their shoulders or they can hold a musical instrument and chug along) 4. Painting with friends (hang butcher paper along the fence and let children paint together)

5. The Matching Game

In this game, each child will be given one block. They then will walk around the room in search of another with the same color. When they find a friend with the same color block, they should link arms and stay together until everyone finds a match.

6. Friendship shadow dance

On a sunny day, go outside and have the children find each other's shadows and "dance with the shadows"!

7. Friendship Train

his is a great way to learn to line up---in a fun way! The children make a train by GENTLY placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them.

Practice walking around to music in this way. The child in the front can clap to the beat or give that child a musical instrument to use as he or she walks.

Have the child in the front say "Train, STOP". The children all stop. The child in the front gives his or her instrument to the next child and then goes to the end of the train.

Continue until each child has a turn being the train director!

8. Flow the Leader

Teaching Concepts for Music Movement Wellness IMIL

1. Shake My Sillies Out Gotta shake, shake, shake my sillies out, Shake, shake, shake, my sillies out. Shake, shake, shake, my sillies out, And wiggle my waggles away. Gotta clap, clap, clap, my crazies out Clap, clap, clap, my crazies out. Clap, clap, clap, my crazies out And wiggle my waggles away. Gotta jump. jump, jump. my jiggles out Jump, jump, jump, my jiggles out. Jump, jump, jump, my jiggles out. And wiggle my waggles away. Gotta yawn, yawn, yawn, my sleepies out. Yawn, yawn, yawn, my sleepies out Yawn, yawn, yawn, my sleepies out, And wiggle my waggles away. 2. If You Are Wearing…(tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It) If you are wearing red, shake your head If you are wearing red, shake your head If you are wearing red Then please shake your head If you are wearing red, shake your head. If you are wearing blue, touch your shoe If you are wearing blue, touch your shoe If you are wearing blue Then you know what to do If you are wearing blue, touch your shoe. If you are wearing black, pat your back If you are wearing black, pat your back If you are wearing black Then you don’t need the slack If you are wearing black, pat your back. If you are wearing brown, turn around If you are wearing brown, turn around If you are wearing brown Then you should touch the ground If you are wearing brown. turn around. (Can continue you on with other colors) 3. Hello Friend How Are You? Hello friend, How are you? Say your name And we’ll clap for you. (go around room until each child has had a turn) 4. Let’s Find A Friend (tune: The Farmer in the Dell)(Stand in a circle and hold hands. Spin the circle one direction and switch halfway through if the kids like it) Let’s find a friend, Oh let’s find a friend Heigh Ho the Derry-O Let’s find a friend! (Choose a child to start in the center and sing) (_______) find a friend, (_______) find a friend, Heigh Ho the Derry-O! (_______) find a friend. (Have each child choose a fiend who has not yet had a turn to be next in the circle and continue. When all the children have had a turn, hold hands and sing) We all found a friend, We all found a friend, Heigh Ho! The Derry-O! We all found a friend. 5. The More We Get Together (tune: Did You Ever See A Lassie?) The more we get together, together, together The more we get together, the happier w’ell be. For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends. The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. The more we play together, together, together, The more we play together, the happier we’ll be For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends The more we play together, the happier we’ll be. The more we hug each other, hug each other, hug each other The more we hug each other, the happier we’ll be For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends The more we hug each other, the happier we’ll be. The more we jump together, together, together The more we jump together, the happier we’ll be For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends The more we jump together the happier we’ll be. The more we share together, together, together The more we share together the happier we’ll be For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends The more we share together, the happier we’ll be. (Can continue with different actions) 6. If You Want to be a Friend (tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It) If you want to be a friend, clap your hands If you want to be a friend, clap your hands A friend is someone who, Is always kind to you. If you want to be a friend, clap your hands. (Can add different actions) 7. Can You Guess My Friend’s Name? (tune: B-I-N-G-O) I have a very special friend, Can you guess his name-o? T-Y-L-E-R T-Y-L-E-R T-Y-L-E-R (substitute your children’s names in, this is just an example) And Tyler is his name-o! Teaching Concepts for Fingerplays

1. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 2. I Have Friends I have one friend, (hold up 1 finger on left hand) And they have me; (hold up 1 finger on right hand) One friend and me, (bend each from left to right) That’s one, two (count with finger 1,2) I have two friends And they have me Two friends and me That’s one, two, three I have three friends And the have me Three friends and me That’s one, two, three, four. (Repeat 4 and 5 friends) 3. Everybody Everybody tap your head (tap head 3 times) Tap your head Everybody pat your shoulders, (pat shoulders 3 times) Pat your shoulders. Everybody touch your tummy, (touch your tummy 3 times) Touch your tummy. Everybody bend your knees, (bend knees 3 times) Bend your knees Tap your head, pat your shoulders, touch your tummy. Bend your knees and wiggle your toes 4. If You Want To Make A Friend (tune: If You’re Happy And You Know It) If you want to make a friend, shake a hand. If you want to make a friend, shake a hand. If you want a friend that’s new, then say, “How do you do?” If you want to make a friend, shake a hand.


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