Changes to Environment
Homemade hockey pucks Sports stencils Team jerseys Team hats Snow boarding goggles Score book Sports stamps Sports stickers Sport magazine clippings Sports file folder games Sports cookie cutters Empty Gatorade and/or Powerade bottles Empty water bottles Sports sensory bottle (Fill bottle with water and sport beads, glue lid on) Water Table: Boats, balls, ice, blue food coloring, bubbles, ramps Sensory Table: Fake Snow, Rake, Shovel, kinetic sand, white/blue torn construction paper
Teaching Concepts for Indoor Experiences
1. Sports collage using sport magazine clippings 2. Sports Sort (Supply the children with pictures of sports objects that belong together. Have the children sort the objects according to the sport they go with) 3. Find One like mine (Cut out shapes of different sports objects. Have them laminated. Pick out an object, and ask the children to pick the same object as you out of a pile of objects) 4. Sports hide and seek (have children close their eyes while you hide sports objects around the room, in sight, have children search for objects, first child back with objects gets to hide the objects next time and so on)
5. Indoor Hockey Game
The challenge of Pompom Hockey is to get as many pompoms into your square! The rules of the game are to not use your hands, that only the scoop can be used to move the pompoms around the floor and into the squares.
The challenge of Pompom Hockey is to get as many pompoms into your square! The rules of the game are to not use your hands, that only the scoop can be used to move the pompoms around the floor and into the squares.
6.Wiffle ball painting
A simple art project for toddlers and preschoolers, wiffle ball painting - such a fun project!
7. Athletes Tower
Set up a life-size cutout of a winter sports athlete and challenge children to use different materials to make a tower as tall as the athlete.
8. Build a Sled
Leave out various recycled materials and challenge children to make a mini-sled for a stuffed animal. Once children are done with their creations, you can take them out in the snow and test them out or use your ski ramp inside if snow isn't available.
9. Magnet Block Ski Ramp
Use Magnatiles to create ski ramps to use in small world play.
10. Create a Ice Skating rink
Create a cardboard ramp in your building area and add people figures with cardboard taped to their feet to simulate skis. Invite children to make the figures ski down the mountain!
Teaching Concepts for Outdoor Experiences
1. Sports Hop (cut out sports objects and place them on the ground for children to hop from one to the other
Teaching Concepts for Music Movement Wellness IMIL
1. A Sledding we will Go (tune: A Hunting we will go) A sledding we will go, A sledding we will go, We'll hold on tight and sit just right As down the hill we go......WHEE! A skating we will go, A skating we will go, We'll twirl around and not fall down As over the ice we go! A skiing we will go, A skiing we will go We'll stop when we get to the Mountain top (Pause) Then down the mountain we'll go.....Swoosh! 2. Little Red Sled
3. Ice Skates
4. Winter Olympic Sports
5. Winter Sports