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HS Fiction and Nonfiction

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

Interest Area Changes to Environment

Fiction Books Nonfiction Books Magnify Glass Fake Glasses Notepads Puppets Flannel Board Real Items Pretend Items Real / Pretend Pictures

Teaching Concepts for Large Group

1.  Define real and make-believe for students, using pictures to illustrate the differences between real and make-believe. Things that exist are real. We can see, hear, feel, taste, or touch them. Examples of things that are real include pencils, books, people, parks, schools, teachers and classrooms. Make-believe is when something is not real. It does not really exist in the world around us. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? Sometimes, people pretend they have an invisible friend that no one can see. But that is make-believe. Examples of things that are make-believe include cartoons, unicorns, magic and talking animals. 2. Explain that stories can be real or make-believe. Discuss how fiction stories are stories in which the author uses his or her imagination to create the book. Example -show the cover of Go, Dog. Go! by P. D. Eastman and model how to think about the picture to decide if it is a fiction story. Think aloud about how the dog is driving a car and that this is not something that real dogs can do. Do a picture walk of the first few pages, thinking aloud about what the dog is doing and how this shows whether the story is make-believe or fiction. Discuss how the dogs are talking to each other on pages 8–9. 3. Discuss how some books are true stories. Explain that in true stories the author writes a story that really happened or writes a book that gives the reader information about something. These are called nonfiction books. Example- show the cover of Your Pet Dog by Elaine Landau and discuss how the picture on the cover looks like a real dog. Do a picture walk, stopping at page 22, and point out that the pictures are of real dogs and that I think that this book is nonfiction.

Teaching Concepts for Small Group

1. Have children look at a series of pictures and place them on a real/make-believe T-chart. We will also determine why each picture was placed in each category. For example, we know the rabbit coming out of the hat is magic and magic is make-believe. So this picture would go under “make-believe” in the chart. 2.  Sort books in groups – fiction and nonfiction. 3.  Help the children write a nonfiction sentence in a story. Then have the children write a fiction sentence in a story. Have the children illustrate both sentences.

Teaching Concepts for Music Movement Wellness IMIL

1. Fiction vs Nonfiction (Harry Kindergarten) CHORUS: Fiction is pretend a make-believe creation Non-fiction is real It gives us information Fiction’s full of characters, a plot, and a setting In non-fiction, it’s real-life knowledge that you’re getting Verse 1: A book with talking dogs That’s fiction! A book about the life cycle of frogs Non-fiction! A book about a mouse who saves the day That’s fiction! A book that teaches you how to dance ballet Non-fiction! A book about a fire-breathing man That’s fiction! A book about the different types of plants Non-fiction! Verse 2: A book about a dragon having fun That’s fiction! A book on how the Earth goes around the sun Non-fiction! A book where a troll makes a princess afraid That’s fiction! A book showing how big planes are made Non-fiction! A book with a dinosaur who ruins the school day That’s fiction! A book on famous people in the U.S.A. Non-fiction!

Teaching Concepts for Fingerplays

I'm a little Teapot

I'm a little teapot short and stout

here is my handle here is my spout

when I get all steamed up hear my shout

tip me over and pour me out

Itsy Bitsy Spider

The Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the

water spout,

down came the rain and wash

the spider out,

Out came the sun and dried

up all the rain

And the Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the

spout again.

Teaching Concepts for Outdoor Experiences

Simon Says

The teacher will give the action directions, while the students participate. If the children miss the action cue "Simon Says" then they are out. Keep going until you have a winner.

Sidewalk journey

Need: Chalk

Using chalk draw a variety of pathways on sidewalk, pavement, or walkway such as: curvy, straight, zig zag or even curly. Have children to participate by drawing the lines and walking on it like a tightrope.

CLASS Concepts


Teaching Concepts for Distance Learning

Scavenger hunt

You can gather a list, or some ideas include looking for shapes, colors, items that are a certain length, or items that start with a particular sound.

Make an ABC/123 Sensory Bin

Take letter shapes, scrabble tiles, letter puzzle pieces, etc. and bury them in a sensory bin. You can use any fillers such as rice or sand. Set up a letter wash with warm, soapy water and foam or plastic letters. Alternatively, you can use numbers too.


Private message one child with the word card. This child then pantomimes this clue while the other children guess the answer.

I Spy

Pick an item that can easily be seen by all the children and share a clue.


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