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Perpetual, Motor, and Physical Development

Updated: Oct 21, 2020

School Readiness Goal:

Children will demonstrate control of large muscles for movement, navigation, and balance. Alignment Reference: Teaching Strategies GOLD: Obj. 4, 5 & 6 GELDS: PDM5



2.    Walk the line!

School Readiness Goal: 

Children will demonstrate fine motor strength and coordination. Alignment Reference: Teaching Strategies GOLD: Obj. 7 GELDS: PDM6


1.  Use scissors. This is the order in which cutting skills should be introduced to young children. Rip Snip Fringe Straight lines Zig zag lines Curved lines (circles, waves, hearts) Right angles (squares and rectangles)

2.  Use items below for small motor activities:

3.  Theme related lacing cards.

School Readiness Goal:

Children will identify and practice healthy and safe habits. Alignment Reference: Teaching Strategies GOLD: Obj. 1 GELDS: PDM1


1.  Wash babies at the water table.  Discuss personal hygiene. 

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